Second Chances and Uniqueness - baj.

Second Chances and Uniqueness

Second chances are a wonderful thing everyone should have. Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.

Second chances are all about change, rebuilding, growing and adding a new story to your life. Whether through lost dreams, fractured bonds, or personal setbacks, second chances teach us that life's story isn't set in stone. They echo the sentiment that every setback is a set-up for a comeback.

But why am I writing about these second chances and how can it possibly be connected to fashion.

Well, here is the thing. From now on, baj. is giving second chances to selected vintage and second hand pieces. These very unique pieces will be carefully selected, revised and freshly labeled.

I was always a sucker for vintage and second-hand fashion or digging through may grannys closet. Old and used pieces where the starting point for my young “sewing career” (LOL) as I had absolutely no clue about cuts or patterns and honestly was really not psyched to even follow any instructions. I wanted to just sew and create. There were times I was lucky and something great came out of nowhere or whatever was left was barely recognizable as something you could or should wear. I made skirts out of denim pants, cut sweaters into pieces or repurposed skirts. It made me proud to have created something “brand new” and different. And it was not just about having something new but having something unique, no one else out there had or will ever have. It gave me the chance to create exactly what seemed perfect to me, something I could have not bought anywhere.

But it’s not just that. The magic of these old pieces is to feel them, the fabric and quality, and to smell them. And I don’t mean this in a disgusting way. But have you ever bought an old, heavy leather Jacket and smelled the old leather. Wow! Its smells real, intense and especially heavy and safe, as it could be your companion for generations. And they can. The quality of these old pieces is unbeatable, the cuts are timeless and just so so special, not like anything you will find anywhere else on the market. I get it, there are trends and development etc. etc. (adgaf). I don´t buy or wear a jacket because it´s a trend or whatever the fashion industry tells me. I do it because I fall in love with them and they just feel right.

And not to forget, every piece has a very unique story, like we all do. We don´t know anything about it, and that’s where the magic lies. Maybe one, two or even 5 different people have worn the jacket, in so many different situations with so many different emotions. Maybe you are wearing someone’s favorite piece, they always felt special in. Or someone got their first kiss in it. There are so many possibilities and it gives you the chance to add one more beautiful story to its life.

These old pieces are made to collect all these stories and they are made to last. They are made to be worn, kept, and passed on to whoever you feel like it, so they can create new stories.

And the absolute best about it, they are so special as there will be only one of each. It is the uniqueness that makes them beyond special. It makes you special. No one will ever have (or at least mostly likely never have) the same piece. It is as unique as you are!

Even though it sounds quite weird, but good old vintage jackets are not so different to us. They all deserve a second chance, they have their very own story and all of them are very special and unique.

So, it’s time to give these preloved pieces a second chance. And you know what? Embracing second chances in vintage clothing supports ethical fashion practices while celebrating individual expression and creativity. It´s time to tell your own story, be unique and give sustainability a different face. Are you still not convinced to hop on the upcycling community wagon?

And wait, how does it work? baj. will release every other week (more or less ;-)) a special piece on the webpage (category "Second Chance"). Sign up for the newsletter to be notified of every drop or follow on instagram. 

xx baj.

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